Monday, May 23, 2011


Some months ago, our friends Karen, Thierry and their son Loïs visited us from Switzerland.  We spend a relaxing and fun time in San Blas although the weather was not precisely friendly and we  were forced to, literally cause the flights were cancelled, spend one more night on the boat.

Here are some pictures I took from Loïs.  I love the color of his hair, and the beautiful freckles decorating his face!  

In some of them, I went further with the shots, overexposing them to exaggerate the contrast between  his cute face and the white sand that in some points melts with his skin... these are my favorites portraits!

Loïs on the beach.

Loïs playing in the sand.

Sleeping in Plaza Bolivar.

The catch of the day!

 Loïs and the fish

Rainy day on the boat.

Monday, May 9, 2011


When I first read the word "lavish" a long time ago,  I liked it without a reason.  Since I am far to be "eloquent" in english, I haven't used it as often as I would have liked.

But it fits perfectly to describe Torc.  Located near Killarney town, this cascade is a spectacular place, not because of the cascade in itself (actually, it is not breathtaking and looks pretty much like some you would find in Panama...without the heat of course!)...but because of the green, THE LAVISH GREEN you see when you first begin to walk into the place!

It looks and feels like one of this fantasy places taken right out from The Lord of The Rings' Elf Forest...I was waiting to hear and hopefully see if not an Elf, at least a Fairy coming out from behind a trunk in this small, almost magical place.  But most of all what impressed me was the green.  The lavish green. You don't just see it. You feel it. And actually, you can touch it:  It has grown all over the trees and rocks and bathes this place with a mystical feeling.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


Algunas veces, cuando haces travesuras con la cámara, el resultado pueden ser fotos muy divertidas! Ninguna de las fotos aquí presentadas tiene algún filtro o efecto de movimiento en Photoshop!

Paisaje desde carro en movimiento.  Camino a Lenk, Berneroberland,  Suiza. Agosto 2010.

Zurich. Julio 2010.

Fuegos Artificiales-Zürifest.  Lago de Zurich.  Julio 2010.

Fuegos Artificiales-Zürifest.  Lago de Zurich.  Julio 2010.

Zurich. Limmat. Julio 2010.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Fabricando Humo

Atardecer hermoso en Dublin + Chimeneas en las casas georgianas = Humo!